Tuesday, October 31, 2017

In my center I remain, for there is my true self.

Every one of us gets frustrated or angry sometimes, I guess it is just a part of human nature. I am still learning to control my emotions, on some days I do it well, on others I fail and the negative emotions take control over me. In this last cases I learned to remind myself of a quote I wrote down 7 years ago in a notebook that used to be my diary. Anyway, I began wondering that if I constantly (in emergency situations) repeated this quote to me over the years, I would have mastered my anger issues by now. Perhaps this is just a wishful thinking. But it is never too late to become what you might have been, right? So here's the quote:

"Like the swaying leaves of a tree in a gentle breeze, I allow all the troubles to flow past. In my center I remain, for there is my true self. All else, like the breeze, I know will come and go - leaving no trace, becoming forever a part of the past." 

I saw it on a blog called zenhabits, here is the link to it: https://zenhabits.net/ 
I juts love reading Leo Babauta's articles, his blog focuses on simplicity in life and how to create it, on some abstract things from everyday life like mindfulness, dealing with chaos, meditation and just maintaining a peaceful inner and outer reality. I recommend it to those interested in finding more about practical ways to create new habits and living a happy life!

Saturday, January 14, 2017


I've been wanting to create a blog for a very long time. But each time I decided to do so, I either found some proper excuse like I have to feed the cat or I don't know how to do it, and nothing happened. To be honest, I still don't know how to do it, I may be old fashioned entering the world of blogging, when everybody is watching You tube videos right now (me included) but I finally find no excuse why not to do it. So here it is, my new blog. I have some ideas on my mind which will soon come to life here. Enjoy!